Thank you for taking the time to view the Dubuque Area Landlord Association web site. This site is expressly designed for landlords, property managers, and renters alike. There is a wealth of information gathered to inform you, answer your questions, and provide insight into the business of rental units.
We are proud of our members’ association, bonding with other people in the same business, sharing ideas, having a voice on issues, and exchanging ideas for a prosperous business opportunity. We meet on a monthly basis and provide a variety of speakers, educational sessions, and informative meetings where you can air complaints, get answers, and become educated step by step through our mentoring program.
There is a large contingency of landlords/property managers in our organization and we are proud of our alliance with the city of Dubuque in resolving issues in a working partnership with the many departments representing the city. Members meet on a regular basis with leaders of our Police Dept., City Housing, Utilities, Human Rights, Fire Dept., Refuse Dept., as well as the City Manager, Mike Van Milligen.
Why do we think you should be a member of DALA? As a member of DALA, you pay a nominal yearly fee, which gives you a personal handbook filled with “everything” you need to operate a successful business. The Handbook comes with a CD containing over ninety (90) documents and forms you will use starting with the “Hello, yes I have an apartment/house for rent” right up to the forms you may need for an eviction-and pointers on How to Win in Court.
We hope you will browse our web site, gather information, and assess the value of becoming a member of the Dubuque Chapter. We are one of 18 chapters statewide under the Landlords of Iowa (LLIA) and represent a large portion of landlords across Iowa.
Jerry Maro
President, DALA